Zedar Shake

Zedar Shake

camillian Roof Tile The light-weight, thin corrugated roof tile offers best aesthetic value for both classical oriental pitch roof and contemporary housing styles. To fulfill the green living ideology.  camillian provides eco-friendly non asbestos roof tile in two unique profiles – Trilon and Roman Tile –  minimize resident’s health risks and be safer to use.   camillian Trilon Roof Tile camillian Trilon roof tiles are “asbestos-free”, an international innovation that is up-to-date, minimizes health risks and is safe to use.  In addition, camillian Trilon roof tiles are more cohesive than before and able to resist the impact of hail by more than 3 times compared to the asbestos formula.   camillian Trilon Kool camillian Trilon Kool triumphs in energy saving technology, establishing leadership with the Kool series that has TSR 80, reflecting as much as 80% of the sun’s radiation.  This lowers the overall temperature, creating a cool of atmosphere which helps to save as much as 30% on air conditioning costs.   camillian Roman Tile camillian Roman Tile is “non-asbestos”, a world-class innovation in modern roof tiles that can minimize health risks and safe to use.  The best thing is that camillian Roman Tile provides much greater durability with 3 times better resistance to the impact of hails compared to the old asbestos formula.